Bamboo Sleep Comfort Products for Ataxia Relief

Bamboo sleep comfort relieve pain

On September 25 of each year, International Ataxia Awareness Day (IAAD) is celebrated. This is a concerted effort of many individuals and various ataxia organisations around the world to make more people aware of this rare condition.

There is no better way than to engage yourself in the fight against ataxia than IAAD. At the helm of this outreach effort is NAF, but your assistance and participation is much needed. We are urging people and organisations to work with NAF in conceptualising activities and/or awareness campaigns for IAAD.

Bamboo Sleep Comfort for Ataxia Support

Ataxia is a rare neurological disease that affects a person’s ability to walk, talk, and use fine motor skills. Ataxia has different types and each type affects people in various ways.

This condition can affect different people of all ages. Ataxia does not make any distinction. Studies say that in the UK there are about 10,000 individuals who are living with some form of ataxia. Although a number of types of ataxia can be treated, there is still no cure for most cases.

People with ataxia are likely to experience discomfort and even pain from the daily stresses that their bodies go through. This strain comes from the effort required to do even the most the basic daily activities that others without the disease take for granted.

Bamboo sleep comfort products can help these people to get some relief from these daily stresses. For example, the shredded memory foam bamboo pillow is designed to follow the unique shape of an individual’s head, neck and shoulders and to provide support for their particular weight. This, in turn, also allows the spine to properly realign as the body sleeps. This reduces strain and relieves the pain that is causes. The mattress topper also helps promote spinal alignment and relieve pain by giving the rest of the body additional support in the right places to lessen the strain placed on pressure points that are created by the body’s own weight while lying down.

Bamboo sleep comfort products

Ataxia Awareness

Recently, people in the UK were asked about their awareness of the condition called ataxia. The result revealed that only 10% of them knew about it. Thus, in order to raise awareness of the disease and in turn increase funding for research into a cure, NAF urges friends to join them in promoting ataxia awareness this 25th of September.

As committed members of the ataxia community, NAF hosts International Ataxia Awareness Day (IAAD) as an occasion for us to effect change. It is essential for others to know who NAF is, what ataxia is, and why comprehending the disease is important.

The hope is that increasing awareness will result in increasing understanding of the disease from GPs and therapists who treat patients down to the ordinary person who lives around them. The more people are informed about the condition, the more people may be interested in funding projects to find a cure. Moreover, people with ataxia will be misunderstood less if many more know and understand about the condition and what it does to those who suffer from it.

You can give your support by simply telling other people about ataxia in various ways. The posters that were used in a campaign last year are remarkable tools that you can download and get permission to display at your work place, school, GP practice, or home. Printable fliers that provide an outline informative facts about ataxia are also available for download. There’s also a booklet Our Ataxia: What’s That? that delves into the details of the disease.

Please give NAF feedback about what you have done to help spread the word about ataxia by emailing them at – they are eager to share the encouraging support with their members.