Celebrate Uncelebrated Boyfriends with the Best of Bamboo

best of bamboo celebration boyfriend

Who are the people who are acknowledged least? Boyfriends. That’s right, boyfriends. There are special days for wives, girlfriends, mothers, and women but seldom do you hear a Boyfriend’s Day. He is even the one person who puts up with you every single day, yet he does not receive the acknowledgement he so much deserves. Boyfriends may not always be easy to get along with, either, but as you consider this, who is?

Still, they should be given due credit for all the little sacrifices they are willing to make for you. What better way to give credit where credit is due than Boyfriend’s Day, which is celebrated every 3rd of October in the UK. This is the best way to recognise and honour you boyfriend and take this opportunity to let him know how much he is highly appreciated and loved.

For All They Do

Whoever said that being a boyfriend is easy never was a boyfriend himself. To be a boyfriend you have to be able to remember quite a lot of details. You have to know by heart a slew of birthdays, anniversaries, many different holidays, who is fond of who, and who loathes who, and whether to leave the toilet seat up or down. It is the most grueling task ever. On top of that, they are the one you run to for moral support and appreciation.

Moreover, being a boyfriend entails being able to be two opposing personalities at the same time – balanced and trustworthy to be able to support you during trying times, yet compassionate, obliging, and emotionally secure. At the same time, they also have to exude a certain level of manliness!

Really now, what do you want? Well, what you need to be on Boyfriend’s Day is chill, savouring this special day while taking a break from the usual routine of boyfriend responsibilities. (Excluding, of course, slaying spiders, because spiders do not take holidays, even if it is Boyfriend’s Day.)

After all that, it’s important to make Boyfriend’s Day known so that they can be given the appreciation they are entitled to.

Best of Bamboo honour Boyfriends

How to Celebrate Boyfriend’s Day

Celebrating Boyfriend’s Day means giving tribute to the boyfriend – but how? Consider what you usually do together, most importantly the things he takes special pains to do for you. Also, think about the things he hasn’t done in a while, and let him just go ahead and do them and take all the time he needs. On top of it all, say thank you and appreciate all the things he has done for you every single day, not to mention those small things that he considers unimportant. You’d be amazed at how a little appreciation can have such great impact on the person being appreciated, especially when it was least expected.

A gift, certainly, is always a super way to show your appreciation. Let him know that even though you don’t want to join him in many of the sweaty activities that he so loves, you acknowledge his right to them. He may sleep shirtless and sticky, but you love him anyway. Guys are basically practical besides the lengths they go to from their games and cars, so give him something useful that will also increase his level of ease. A good place to start is with the best of bamboo clothing, pillows and pillow cases, bed sheets, mattress toppers,  and sleep masks. The best of bamboo thermoregulation and its super soft feel are sure to give him the added comfort that he deserves after caring for you so well.

No matter how you celebrate this significant day, remember to let him know he is acknowledged. Use #NationalBoyfriendDay when you do post in social media to declare about your boyfriend.