ME Awareness Week 2018

ME Awareness Week 2018

The ME Association in the UK runs an annual ME Awareness Week campaign to raise awareness of this invisible yet very real physical disease. Campaigns to get ME recognised as a severe neurological illness are consistently pushed by the association, which provides essential information and self-help support for ME. The ME Association also raises funds […]

Dystonia Awareness Week UK

Dystonia Awareness Week 2018

Another Dystonia Awareness Week, held by The Dystonia Society, is coming up. This year, Dystonia Awareness Week runs from 5th May to 13th May. It is an important campaign that gives everyone the chance to share news and tips about the condition. The Dystonia Society is the only organisation in the UK that provides support, […]

Tips from Allergy Awareness Week 2018

Allergy Awareness Week 2018

The Allergy Awareness Week annual campaign by AllergyUK aims to raise awareness about allergies and what it means to live with them. This campaign started on 23rd April and will run until 29th April. This year, the awareness week focuses on travelling with allergies and the issues that can be avoided so that people who […]

Support World Immunisation Week 2018

World Immunisation

World Immunisation Week is an annual event of the World Health Organisation (WHO). The campaign aims to promote global awareness of vaccines and their importance. The awareness week furthermore aims to encourage the use of vaccines to save millions from unnecessary suffering. In 2018, the World  Immunisation Week is an action-oriented campaign that focuses on […]

What Gives Memory Foam “Memory”

memory foam comfort

The memory foam that we know today went through long years of development beginning in 1937. This material underwent different names during the process that indicated its current stage of development. Today, we call it memory foam because is best known for its “memory.” Giving Memory Foam “Memory” Making memory foam starts with synthesising a […]

The Origins of Memory Foam

Memory Foam

Memory foam is an awesome technology – one of the better products of technological advancement, at least as far as we are concerned. In the past 50 years, there have been so many more and greater inventions than there have been in the hundreds of years before. We think of memory foam today as such […]

National Stop Snoring Week is Coming Up!

Stop snoring and sleep better.

Celebrate National Stop Snoring Week and help stop snoring! This even is an annual effort of the British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association. It is held to promote general awareness about snoring and its negative effects. The association believes that nobody should suffer because of snoring Do you or your partner snore? Does it disrupt […]

The Link Between Good Sleep and Weight Control

Good sleep

Good sleep is a vital factor that contributes to good health, which is the key to weight control. In fact, it’s one of the three top ones. Proper exercise and nutrition being the other two, good sleep balances with these to promote well-being. No one can realistically expect to have a good life without good […]

Last Chance to Grab The Bamboo Pillow Valentine’s Day Deal!

The clock is ticking on the Bamboo Pillow Valentine’s deal! If you haven’t had a chance to place your order yet, you can still make it in time for the big day! If you grab The Bamboo Pillow Valentine’s Day deal today, you can still get your bamboo products shipped out on time with our […]

Did You Grab The Bamboo Pillow Valentine’s Day Deal?

bamboo pillow Valentine's promo reminder

The loveliest day of the year is just a week away, and The Bamboo Pillow Valentine’s deal is almost over. We want to make sure that you do not miss out on our Valentine’s Day promo! If you grab The Bamboo Pillow Valentine’s Day deal today, you can still get it shipped out on time. […]