Grandparents are Deserving of Quality Bamboo Comfort

Our grandparents are undoubtedly very special people. They gave us our parents, plus, they also parent us – often in a much wiser and gentler way. Grandparents deserve only the best the world has to offer, but they usually reserve the best for us. Grandparents’ Day is one day every year when we can shower […]
Celebrate Uncelebrated Boyfriends with the Best of Bamboo

Who are the people who are acknowledged least? Boyfriends. That’s right, boyfriends. There are special days for wives, girlfriends, mothers, and women but seldom do you hear a Boyfriend’s Day. He is even the one person who puts up with you every single day, yet he does not receive the acknowledgement he so much deserves. […]
Bamboo Sleep Comfort Products for Ataxia Relief

On September 25 of each year, International Ataxia Awareness Day (IAAD) is celebrated. This is a concerted effort of many individuals and various ataxia organisations around the world to make more people aware of this rare condition. There is no better way than to engage yourself in the fight against ataxia than IAAD. At the […]
September Equinox Change Doesn’t Have to Bother You with Thermo-Regulating Bamboo

Sunday, September 23 is the 2018 September equinox and the official beginning of the autumn season. What is an Equinox? Equinox as derived from a Latin word that means “equal night” aptly describes the days of the year when the daytime is nearly equal in length to the nighttime all over the world, about 12 […]
Hypoallergenic Bamboo for Eczema

Hypoallergenic bamboo works very well to protect against eczema flare-ups and provide support during treatment and recovery. What is Eczema? Eczema is a dry skin disease that is also known as dermatitis. It affects people differently in that the disease is different from one individual to another, and it can also come in many different […]
National Girlfriends Day 2018

Tomorrow is National Girlfriends Day! National Girlfriends Day isn’t an official holiday, so offices will remain open and work will go on as usual. National Girlfriends Day was simply instituted as a special reminder for us all to honour the wonderful women in our lives that make everything better just by being there. More and more people are […]