How to Break in Your Bamboo Pillow

Don’t be disappointed when you receive the bamboo pillow you ordered looking flat as a pancake after you tear away the packaging. That is how they are shipped – tightly rolled, compressed or even vacuum sealed to save on space and shipping cost. With the pillow looking as uncomfortable as a slab of wood, you […]
The Christmas Season is Finally Here

Indeed, the Christmas season has definitely started! It began with the season of Advent on St. Andrew’s Day, December 2nd being the First Sunday of Advent. Get ready to start your countdown to the most wonderful time of the year, a time to give more attention to others. Isn’t Christmas season the season of giving? […]
December Marriages and Gifting Eco-Friendly Bamboo Home Products

Weddings are not usually held during the month of December. The reason for this may be that it is not the best time for an outdoor ceremony, especially in the western hemisphere. However, because it is rooted in history, the tradition of holding marriages during this month still prevails. A Right Time to Marry? The […]
Bamboo is More Comfortable than Cotton

According to a study on bamboo and cotton fabrics from the Department of Textile Engineering of the Jawaharlal Darda Institute of Engineering and Technology in Maharashtra, India, bamboo is much more comfortable than cotton. Below are the main facts of comfortable bamboo fabrics versus cotton fabrics: Length of Fibres Bamboo fibres are hairier than cotton […]
Preserve the Durability of Your Bamboo Pillow Case

Congratulations on purchasing a bamboo pillow case! Whether it came with your fabulous bamboo pillow or you bought a spare pillow case, you are now the proud owner of a very high quality product that is going to help you sleep better. The bamboo pillow case we offer is made to last, but you can […]
50 Amazing Bamboo Facts

Bamboo is one of the most amazing plants there is. Bamboo has become increasingly popular over the past few years because of just how wonderful it is. Here are 50 amazing bamboo facts that you should know. The word Bamboo comes originally from the Malay word “mambu”. The Dutch took this word in the late […]
Orthopedic Memory Foam Mattress Topper Relieves Pain

Having an orthopedic memory foam mattress topper can give great relief to people who suffer from pain during sleep. And there are more of these than one might think! In the past, when there were not very many options for mattress materials and sometimes not any options for a mattress at all, pain was just […]
Bamboo Benefits You

Bamboo is being used these days to make so many different kinds of products for the home. Some of these are bed sheets, socks, toys, eye masks, and even baby blankets. The growing popularity of bamboo for home products is due to the many ways that bamboo benefits you and your loved ones. Strong Bamboo […]