Get Relief with a Bamboo Pillow for Migraine Attacks to Celebrate Migraine Awareness Week

If you suffer from migraines, you may know that you cannot get relief from common pain medications. But you may not know that you can use a bamboo pillow for migraine relief. What are Migraines? Migraine Trust, a research-driven charity that supports and campaigns for migraine sufferers in the UK, defines migraines as a complicated […]
How to Break in Your Bamboo Pillow

Don’t be disappointed when you receive the bamboo pillow you ordered looking flat as a pancake after you tear away the packaging. That is how they are shipped – tightly rolled, compressed or even vacuum sealed to save on space and shipping cost. With the pillow looking as uncomfortable as a slab of wood, you […]
Give the Gift of Health and Wellness on International Friendship Day

It is wonderful and exciting to know that there is another reason to celebrate your friendship with your BFF. This time, we have what we call International Friendship Day, which is commemorated on July 30th every year. History of International Friendship Day The idea of friendship day was initially conceptualized by the founder of Hallmark […]
Combat Diabetes with Healthy Sleep and Diet

The theme set for 2018-2019 World Diabetes Day is Family and Diabetes for the reason that the International Diabetes Foundation (IDF) would like to urge families to become more aware of the symptoms of diabetes. Because diabetes radically affects families, the movement focuses in promoting the awareness of family members as to how diabetes changes […]
The Best Memory Foam Mattress Base

What could radically change the quality of your sleep? A quality memory foam mattress, of course! It is ergonomically cushy and orthopedically designed to really make you sleep like a baby, because like the arms of a mommy, it gives the support needed as it conforms to the shape of your body thereby lessening muscle […]
Looking Forward to National Stop Snoring Week 2019

The British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association (BSSAA) has celebrated National Stop Snoring Week since 2003. This event was initiated so that more people would become aware of snoring and its negative effects. The association holds the belief that no one needs to endure the consequences of snoring. Do You Snore? Your Partner? Does it […]
Why Having Antibacterial Bamboo Fabric is Important

Antibacterial bamboo fabric is important to have because it protects you and your loved ones. Most of the fabrics that you use for your clothing, bedding, furniture covers, curtains, and more collect bacteria as you use them. Sure, you wash them – but how often? It doesn’t take long for bacteria to make a home […]
Where Does Memory Foam Come From?

Technology is indeed fascinating, and as far as we are concerned, memory foam is just one of its exceptional products. As compared to a hundred years ago, there has been so many more and greater inventions in the last 50 years. Today, although memory foam has become an ordinary thing to us, its beginnings seem […]
The Christmas Season is Finally Here

Indeed, the Christmas season has definitely started! It began with the season of Advent on St. Andrew’s Day, December 2nd being the First Sunday of Advent. Get ready to start your countdown to the most wonderful time of the year, a time to give more attention to others. Isn’t Christmas season the season of giving? […]
December Marriages and Gifting Eco-Friendly Bamboo Home Products

Weddings are not usually held during the month of December. The reason for this may be that it is not the best time for an outdoor ceremony, especially in the western hemisphere. However, because it is rooted in history, the tradition of holding marriages during this month still prevails. A Right Time to Marry? The […]